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What I Teach
So, what does it look like to work with me?
I teach my client’s how to examine their mind and their thoughts. Did you know that we have over 60,000 thoughts in a day and many of us do not know what our thoughts are telling us. Did you know that every thought that we have creates a feeling? Did you know that every feeling we have creates an action or in-action? Did you know that every action or in-action we choose are the results we create in our life?
Our thoughts are powerful. Given that our thoughts create ALL of our feelings, actions and results, don’t you think it is important to know what you are thinking?
That is where I come in. I will show you and help you explore the thoughts that are holding you back. I will show you the thoughts that are creating self-doubt. I will show you the thoughts that are preventing you from loving your body. I will show you the thoughts that are leading you to live under your potential. I will show you the thoughts that are leading you to emotionally eat or over-drink. I will show you the thoughts that lead you to snap at your partner or your kids. I will show you the thoughts that are preventing you from starting your own business, asking for a raise or even getting a new job. Together, we will create the life you desire and DESERVE to live … by changing one thought at a time. It is then, that you can discover and live out your unique purpose.